Wamumbi Orphan Care's Mission Statement

Wamumbi Orphan Care is a non-profit community based organisation that reaches out to orphaned children and their guardians in Kangema District and provides the support they are otherwise lacking from their local communities. Our services are responsive to the needs of the people we are working with. We run specialised workshops on nutrition, home gardening, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and female hygiene and sanitation. These comprehensive programs promote the well-being, confidence, and stability of persons living with the consequences of and at risk from HIV/AIDS throughout Kangema.


The aim of Wamumbi Orphan Care is to give orphaned children and their guardians a safe place to come and be with others who understand what they are going through, as well provide a base for life skills training.


We see the potential in each of the children but they need encouragement and support to realise this potential for themselves.  Where we are able, school fees are paid for the children to continue their education after primary. Although primary education is free in Kenya, secondary school and further education is not and those who cannot afford it rely on sponsors and government grants which are highly competitive.

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October 2018

This month we received a wonderful donation of solar lights from Jaguar Land Rover, enough for all our children and guardians. This will make a huge difference - it means the children can study in the evenings and other chores can be done much more easily after it gets dark.

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